Do you remember setting up a lemonade stand as a kid? Who knew that something so simple was teaching me about profit and expense?
Our lemonade stand was extra special. I knew that my mother gave my sister and me the lemons and sugar. I knew we purchased the cups and the poster board to make the sign. I also remember the neighbor allowing us to borrow her folding table. But I never realized I was receiving “Financial Education” during this fun time in my childhood. What we did realize was that we made some money! We also learned quickly how fast the money could go when spent on the candy we bought with our profits. (We didn’t quite get the “save some for a rainy day” back then).
My Life was Enhanced Financially Through Education (LEFTe) and I had fun doing it.
Each year over 10,000 bankers across the country, including myself, dedicate hundreds of volunteer hours to their local communities via Teach Children to Save Day in April by using simple hands on teaching techniques as simple as a Lemonade Stand.
Why not show your own children or grandchildren this simple fun activity?
Besides…who doesn’t love a cold glass of lemonade on a Warm Southern Day!