Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hippocampus Deficiency

My belief system tells me that when you believe in someone and tell them often, it usually brings the best out of people. I also have learned recently that I am lacking in “hippocampus”, the portion of the brain responsible for navigation.

So, right about now you are saying, “and what does that have to do with anything”. Well that is just the way my mind runs.  So Go With Me!

As I have been saying “see you soon” (my papa said never say goodbye) to the class of 2014 heading off to college, I can’t even begin to comprehend where life will take them.  I have spent the last 4 plus years encouraging, supporting, listening, teaching and, most recently, crying with them over the loss of someone dear to many of them.

Many are attending college, some have joined the armed services and most of these students have never been away from home for more than a few days at a time. Some have chosen the path of least resistance by simply deciding to “just be” for now. Regardless, each one has chosen a path and I have started to think “Will they find their way”? 

As a person who apparently lacks “hippocampus” I still get turned around in my hometown.  Get me off track and its hilarious how I can get so mixed up.  Now what you may not know is that my daddy always was my navigator.  As a lifetime truck driver, I could call him from anywhere and he would direct me exactly to where I needed to go.  Therefore, I never really utilized my “hippocampus” for directions.  However, as my dad gets older and road signs change, I am thankful for my GPS and my mother’s voice in my head reminding me “I can do this”!