Wednesday, May 25, 2016


I often hear in today’s society, “the rich get richer while the poor get poorer”. This week has disproved that myth to me on so many levels.  Besides not personally believing that money makes you rich, I was reminded that your current status doesn’t dictate your future by a young person this week. Furthermore, I was reminded to whom much is given, much is required.

Growing up in a single parent home this student had been accepted to the college of her dreams (due to her hard work and dedication to academics). However, getting accepted and having the funds to fulfill her lifelong dream were two different things.  Choosing to work every day after school (hard work in a field) and all summer, while graduating with a 4.0 was not an option, but only a solution to defeating the fear that kept saying, “You can’t do it”.    

I smiled as she relayed to me the hard work of applying for funds and the heartfelt appreciation of a scholarship she had received.  However, it was the statement she made that had a profound impact on me.  As she stood in my office she held out her hand as if to give money out, she smiled as she stated, “I can’t wait to finish my degree, get a great paying job so I can say, here’s a scholarship for you, and you and you and you too” What a novel idea… working so you can not only help yourself but someone else too.

Maybe the rich do get richer, but you will never convince me that in our great USA that hard work and a kind heart will keep you poor.