Friday, December 13, 2013

Little Messes


Our office recently had the privilege of a visit from the local school children. These sweet little faces gleamed as they sang Christmas carols to the staff, parents and those that simply stopped to enjoy.  As the students were singing, I noticed a teacher leading a sweet little girl by the hand outside and in tow was a sweet little boy. I watched as the teacher smiled and said to the little boy, you want to come too?  With that the little fellow nodded his head. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, just a moment of compassion between a teacher and her students.

As the students left, I also noticed a colleague of mine carrying a mop. Again, nothing was said, just a smile.    However, it was sometime later that I learned what had brought each of them to that moment when their lives took on a deeper appreciation.  You see the sweet little kindergarten girl had a bit of a mishap, the little boy felt compassion, the kind teacher not wanting to draw attention lead both outside, and the coworker saw a need and did what had to be done.  The beauty of it all was that very few even realized what had happened.  Most just smiled and enjoyed the music.

And so it is with life.  Many just sit back, smile and enjoy the music while some, simply do what has to be done to make a difference.  It also reminded me that none of us can succeed without the ones in our lives that help us “clean up our little messes” and for that I am so thankful and feel very blessed.


Merry Christmas!

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