Thursday, March 6, 2014

Fruits & Gifts

I was taught that each of us is born with unique gifts and talents. I repeatedly heard that our gifts are like a fruit which allows other people to taste, smell and experience a greater good when we use our gifts to help others.

After four years of getting to know the class of 2014 at the local High School, I have been amazed and delighted as I witness the special gifts and talents each one possesses.  Some you recognize immediately, like the gift of leadership. The leaders are the captains of teams, presidents of clubs and of course the class president is definitely a leader.

The less flashy gifts like compassion, are the ones that just hit you when you least expect it. The kindness of one student helping another one tie his tie for the first time or another student offering a ride to a student that couldn't stay for a meeting because the family has no car.

I've also been fortunate to witness the gift of discernment.  This was especially important when a student stated, “they didn't go there because it was wrong”. To which I immediately said AMEN and good for you.

However, this month the gift of exhortation or lifting someone up has been my favorite to witness from this group of young people.  Just today, as only a young person can do, a student loudly proclaimed to me “listen to that big word he is using, he knows he is brilliant” and of course the other young person just grinned from ear to ear. I also had the privilege of being present for the senior superlative’s photos.  I simply was amazed as the young women said to the young men, (many wearing a coat for the first time) how great they looked. I also enjoyed hearing the young ladies complement each other.     

As I left I was reminded about the fruits of the spirit and it occurred to me that even though we are born with gifts, like any gift, it has to be opened, enjoyed and used. A gift unwrapped is of no value.  So today, I prayed a little prayer that each of these young people will not only use their gifts but enjoy them on their journey.

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