I don’t do mornings!
It is rare for me to see the sun come up. It’s also rare for me not to watch the 10pm
news on WFXL and even see the opening monologue of The Tonight Show with Jimmy
Fallen. I guess you could say I am somewhat of a night owl. I
simply don’t love mornings! Now that is not to say that I can’t get up and get
going when needed…I just don’t want to!!
Now, I do believe it was Benjamin Franklin who penned “Early
to bed and early to rise… helps make a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.
So the question is “do we make better decisions in the
morning, in particular “financial” decisions”?
For most Americans only two other things, family and health, are more
important than financial decisions.
I have been told that “decision fatigue” referring to the
results from being inundated with decisions all day long contributes to making
poor decisions later in the day.
Well…what if you simply can’t perform some task until at
least 10am? What if your mind doesn't even start clicking until mid-morning? Does
that make you less likely to make sound decisions?
I don’t think so, and I have figured out that I have been
blessed with what will soon be 18,250 mornings.
Now granted I have made some really stupid decisions, and a few have
been financial ones; however, I have also experienced some very sound
Therefore, the only thing I am sure of is that every
decision has consequences and everything just makes more since after a good cup
of coffee! Let me know what you think!
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