Friday, March 6, 2015

If Time Is Money...

My mother always said, “Time is money”!  So, if that is true, I set out to determine how many hours of work it took me to earn that new cashmere coat I bought on my recent trip to Ireland!

By now the charge has hit my credit card and the reality of the purchase has sunk in.  That beautiful red, coat/wrap that was so soft and beautiful in cold Ireland, doesn’t seem to have quite the pizazz in good ole’ south GA.   I recently read that we should think of all purchases in terms of how long you had to work to buy it.

Now, I can pretty much tell you to the penny how much per hour that I earn.  But no, I don’t care to share that bit of information with you.  However, I can give you a shortcut to figure it out what that REALLY AWESOME RED CASHMERE COAT could have cost me in work hours by taking the amount of money you earn in thousands per year and drop off the last three zeroes. Then divide by two. So, if I earn $60,000 (haha), it becomes $60, divided by two is $30. So, if I earn $30 per hour, that REALLY AWESOME RED CASHMERE COAT cost me 5 hours of hard, mind-altering, work.  Was it worth it? Well, let’s just say I have an entirely new perspective on just how much looking good REALLY COST!!