Thursday, September 26, 2013

Class Ring Almost 40 Years Later

Ok…this one got to my heart.  I actually was speaking to two students in my office after hours about basic banking 101 when an employee came to my office and said, “there is a student and his grandmother standing outside and wants to see you”.  Obviously it was already after hours, the door was locked and I was still with someone.  The look on my face told a story I am a little ashamed of now.

However, if you know me I politely excused myself and asked if I could speak with the student.  As I walked to the door I was immediately greeted with a smile and a proud look of accomplishment. This student had designed his own high school graduation ring and had saved up the money to purchase it himself.  But there was more.  With a smile on his face he then presented me with a second piece of paper.  He introduced me to his grandmother and said, “Grandma this is the lady that helps us”.  He then continued with, “ Mrs. Lorenda I also designed my grandmother a High School Graduation ring”.  She smiled and said, “40 years later but I am getting a ring too!”  I looked down at the paper and proudly on the ring design it had “Class of 1977” and her name. My face then told the story I am telling you.  I hugged the young man and congratulated his grandmother and told them both how proud I was for them.

With my head hung down, I went back to my office feeling a little embarrassed by my previous action.  What if I would not have gone? Would his excitement have been squelched because of my action?   It was obvious I didn’t want to take that extra time or energy to go and see what that young man needed. But… oh how thankful I was that I had taken the time!   I immediately told those in my office what had happened and how proud he was of himself.  They then shared in his joy.  I also decided I myself had learned a lesson.  Not only is it never too late to fulfill your dreams and help others along the way. But WOW what we miss out on…when we don’t open the door to others!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Practicing What I Preach

Teaching financial responsibility is not easy and practicing it sometimes gets even harder.  As a mentor, a banker and instructor my goal is to equip each student with the knowledge to live a productive financially sound life. My teaching lessons frequently involve the conversation of learning “wants” vs “needs”.

This week I have been faced with the challenges I speak to them about frequently.  You see, making financially sounds decisions for the lady that now has added 120+ students to her extended  “children’s” list sometimes gets tough.

I have been inundated recently with request to purchase everything from barbeque plates and donuts to raffle tickets and senior ads just to mention a few. While each of “my children” has a special place in my heart, I am not a wealthy person. It also dawned on me that ALL of them will graduate in nine short months and I can only assume I will receive numerous graduation invitations.  WOW…didn’t think of that 4 years ago!

I then took a deep breath and simply said, practice what you preach.  I decided that giving each of them a little something from me is the only option.  I believe it is not a matter of just want with me.  I feel I need to do this to show them how proud I am of their accomplishments and acknowledge their success.   However, knowing that I have to live within my means is a fact.  So, I began this week setting aside a couple extra dollars. I also began researching things I could make instead of purchasing hoping to cut my cost. Remember, planning for large expenses is the key.

I also have decided my next lesson will remind them of my mama’s favorite saying…”it’s the thought that counts”.