Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Practicing What I Preach

Teaching financial responsibility is not easy and practicing it sometimes gets even harder.  As a mentor, a banker and instructor my goal is to equip each student with the knowledge to live a productive financially sound life. My teaching lessons frequently involve the conversation of learning “wants” vs “needs”.

This week I have been faced with the challenges I speak to them about frequently.  You see, making financially sounds decisions for the lady that now has added 120+ students to her extended  “children’s” list sometimes gets tough.

I have been inundated recently with request to purchase everything from barbeque plates and donuts to raffle tickets and senior ads just to mention a few. While each of “my children” has a special place in my heart, I am not a wealthy person. It also dawned on me that ALL of them will graduate in nine short months and I can only assume I will receive numerous graduation invitations.  WOW…didn’t think of that 4 years ago!

I then took a deep breath and simply said, practice what you preach.  I decided that giving each of them a little something from me is the only option.  I believe it is not a matter of just want with me.  I feel I need to do this to show them how proud I am of their accomplishments and acknowledge their success.   However, knowing that I have to live within my means is a fact.  So, I began this week setting aside a couple extra dollars. I also began researching things I could make instead of purchasing hoping to cut my cost. Remember, planning for large expenses is the key.

I also have decided my next lesson will remind them of my mama’s favorite saying…”it’s the thought that counts”.

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