Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Shark Tank Experience

Have you ever wondered what the next generation can or will discover?  I recently read that the Polaroid camera came out of a 3-year-old girl's asking, "Why do we have to wait for the picture?"

I was mesmerized this week as approximately thirty seniors from our class of 2014 participated in a “Shark Tank “project lead by an “out-of-the box” economics teacher.  Team after team wooed me with their business plans, energy and creativity in hopes that I, the “Shark Tank”, would invest in their   pseudo company.  I was also intrigued by the sheer imagination of each team.  However, what really caught my attention was the correlation between the “idea” and passion.  Sports enthusiast’s creative ideas came as a result of their love of the game and electronic savvy students created gadgets that aided in their fascination of technology. Those obsessed with the appearance created products to enhance their beauty and those that thrive on high power and speed created “superchips” in hopes of pushing the envelope.

What I really learned was that these days creativity is a more essential skill than ever.  I also learned a valuable lesson. When we as adults encourage creativity and passion in our children, grandchildren and the young people we come in contact with, they will not let us down. They will invent and discover more than our souls can imagine and…remember they will shape and create our future.

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